M35 Knobs

Probably the most popular Victorian knobset in the UK. It has a strong chunky feel and sits comfortably in the hand due to its robustness. A quality classical design that compliments both modern and traditional environments. Comes with a 10 year mechanical guarantee. Available in a variety of finishes and an Unsprung version if required.

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Code Description Price Quantity
CAR-M35 Mushroom Mortice Knob Brass £33.44 (exc VAT) per Set
CAR-M35-CP Mushroom Mortice Knob Br Chrome £40.90 (exc VAT) per Set
CAR-M35-SC Mushroom Mortice Knob Sat Chrome £40.90 (exc VAT) per Set
CAR-M35C-B Mushroom Knob Concealed Fix Brass £50.49 (exc VAT) per Set
CAR-M35R-S Mushroom Rim Knob Brass 2" £27.67 (exc VAT) per Set